A session of the Union of Belarusian Jewish Public Associations and Communities Coordination Council (SBEOOO; part of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress) took place in Minsk. SBEOOO Chairman, EAJ General Council member Boris Gersten gave the quarterly progress report. It was decided that the next SBEOOO General Congress would take place in Minsk, on April 9. Each community will be represented by two delegates. SBEOOO Director General Victoria Brumina introduced the Emuna Jewish Cultural Society, and the Coordination Council members unanimously voted in favor of its entry to the SBEOOO. Members of the Coordination Council also listened to a report on the Leonid Levin Stipend. Leonid Levin was the first chairman of the SBEOOO and an Architect Emeritus of Belarus. The stipend will be annually awarded to young artists who depict the history of the Holocaust in their works. The Charge d’Affaires ad Interim of Israel in Belarus Yakov Avraami spoke at the meeting.