Euroasian Jewish News
Happy Pesach!
29.03.2010 Dear Friends!
On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, I wish you a happy Pesach, the holiday of our Freedom!
For thousands of years the memory of the Exodus from slavery, of God-given deliverance, has given the Jews of the Eretz Israel and the Diaspora hope and aided in surviving difficult times.
This essential event in Jewish history made the Jews into the People, and saved us as one People wherever we lived.
During Seder night, Jews all over the world shall gather at holiday tables to praise the Almighty like their ancestors. I wish to all of us that we would always feel ourselves as one, as we do in this night. For together, all of us who live in Eretz Israel, in Eurasia, America, and Africa, are the People. And the People are immortal!
Hag Pesach kosher ve sameach!
A kosher and happy Pesach to you!

Alexander Mashkevich
President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress