Euroasian Jewish News
The Council of VAAD of Russia Holds Meeting in Moscow

July 9, 2009 meeting of the Council of VAAD of Russia took place. The President of the organization, Secretary General of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Prof. Mikhail Chlenov chaired the meeting. The main topic of discussion was the upcoming conference of VAAD of Russia, which will be conducted in the end of the year according to the Statute. The members of the Council chose an unusual mode of communications: through a video conference. This technology was developed by “VideoPort” company ( under the member of the EAJC's Board of Directors, Mikhail Gotalsky.
Members of the Council of VAAD of Russia that represented 8 regions of Russia, from Krasnoyarsk to St. Petersburg participated in the conference. The general opinion was that video conferencing should be used at all levels in the work of the leadership of Jewish organizations operating in various Russian regions. It will allow to hold planned working meeting with minimal costs.
The meeting's goals were reached fully. Moscow has been approved as the city where the next conference will be held. Agenda was developed, As for the date and the venue, they will be determined in the nearest future.
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