Euroasian Jewish News
EAJC Condolences On Death of Efraim Sevela |
20.08.2010 |
It is with deep regret that we have learned of the passing of writer, filmwright, and producer Efraim Sevela. His life and works are true mirrors of an entire epoch, in which falsehood, cynicism, and indifference were most curiously mixed with goodness, changes, and hope. |
New Edition of "EAJC Bulletin" Published |
12.08.2010 |
The new, eighth edition of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Bulletin (June-August 2010, or Iyar-Av 5770) has been published in Moscow by the office of EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov. |
"Sources of Tolerance" International Camp Opens |
11.08.2010 |
Over 200 children ages 9-16 from 17 national communities took part in the opening of the international children's Sources of Tolerance camp, which is now taking place in the Carpathian urban-type settlement Yasenya, near the highest mountain in Ukraine Goverla, on the premises of the High Carpathians resort. |
«Business and Web». Meeting of the EAJC “Congress-Collegium” |
06.08.2010 |
August 4, the regular plenary meeting of the Congress-collegium - a business association working under the auspices of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress took place. The theme of the meeting that attracted many interested participants in spite of excruciating Moscow heat, was 'Using information and communication potential of the Internet in the interests of business. |
EAJC Supports Unique Humanitarian Initiative |
02.08.2010 |
The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) is now providing organizational and informational support to a unique humanitarian project a solitary yacht voyage made to attract attention to the problems of preserving the World Ocean. |
EAJC President Becomes Guest of Honor for Yona Metzger |
30.07.2010 |
The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) President visited Israel during the last week of July, and was a guest of honor at the marriage ceremony of the son of the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yona Metzger. |
Ukraine Hosts International Jewish Studies Summer School |
19.07.2010 |
On July 6-18, 2010, Kyiv and Uman hosted the International Youth Religion Studies School in Jewish Studies, organized by the Youth Association of Religion Scholars and the Interdisciplinary Certificate Program in Jewish Studies of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. |
Anniversary Salutations to EAJC Vice President E. V. Shifrin |
12.07.2010 |
The President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Alexander Mashkevich, Secretary General Michael Chlenov, General Council Chairman Josef Zisels, and Executive Vice President Yuri Raskin have sent a letter to EAJC Vice President Edward Shifrin to congratulate him on his 50th anniversary. |