Anti-Semitism in Ukraine today |
10.11.2014, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
The active surveillance, monitoring, and analysis of anti-Semitic manifestations in Ukraine over the last 25 years allows us to elucidate important tendencies in the dynamic of how this particular brand of xenophobia manifests itself. The number of anti-Semitic incidents has been steadily declining, with a short peak in 2005–2007. |
Comparison of Xenophobia in Ukraine and in Russia |
01.05.2014, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
In view of widespread attempts over recent times to manipulate the issues of anti-Semitism and xenophobia, the National Minority Rights Monitoring Group which monitors xenophobia in Ukraine has carried out a comparative study of the number of crimes based on ethnic, racial or religious hatred in Ukraine and in Russia. |
Open Address to the Jews of the World |
03.02.2014, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
Two months ago, the citizens of Ukraine, who have snatched a few breaths of the air of freedom over the last twenty years, went out to a square with one demand: to stop the country from becoming a dictatorship and to return hope for a brighter future to its people. Since then they have been standing at Kyiv's Maidan and many other squares all over the country. It is not just Ukrainians who are making the stand, but also Russians, Armenians, Belarusians, Crimean Tatars. And the Jews are standing as well. |
Love and Hatred in Kiev |
31.01.2014, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
KIEV, Ukraine — It has been severely cold here lately, with temperatures dipping below freezing night after night. What sustains the protesters at Independence Square in weather this bleak can only come from inside: an exceptionally hot mix of despair, hope, self-sacrifice and hatred. |
Attacks on Jews in Kyiv: Facts and Interpretations |
19.01.2014, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
Over the last ten days several serious and possibly anti-Semitic incidents took place near the Rozenberg Synagogue in Kyiv’s Podil district. These incidents have caused great concern for the Jewish community and have already aroused the interest of foreign media. Many of these incidents’ details are as of yet unclear, but it is already certain that nothing like this has happened in the Ukrainian capital since the mid-2000s... |